NFT Collections
For this photographic series the interaction between the physics of foam construction and its visual impact is what drove me. Designed to spark the viewer's imagination, these images perfectly exploit the connection between science and the inherent artistic appeal of soap bubbles.
Despite the visual balance conveyed by these fascinating arrangements, their structure has a complex geometry and delicate construction. When you look at a bubble, what you are really seeing is some air trapped inside a thin film, consisting of two outer layers of soap that surround an inner layer of water. Once the bubbles meet, they merge their walls together to minimize the surface area, and through this contact they connect to form a cluster of several individual bubbles, united in a single group, but differing in size and contour, producing unique organizations.
Much like an abstract painting, the exhibited formations in this collection seem to celebrate the essence of an artistic composition, the images capture and manipulate the impressive aesthetic perfection of the bubbles.
By creating an intriguing atmosphere, the observer is taken to an extreme approximation of the foam morphology, from the micro point of view it is possible to see that these are elegant skeletal structures with an almost surreal appearance, making them appear unfamiliar and sometimes strange.
The “Nexus” collection consists of 15 macro photographs created on digital media, the images were made available by the artist Bruno Militelli in a single edition of 1/1 and “Extended Editorial” license.