
Instaarts - A Macrofotografia por Bruno Militelli (03/02/2025)

Geometry in Nature - 1x Magazine (22/03/2024)

Popular Science - 13 otherworldly photos that were actually taken on Earth (19/01/2023)

Revista Onne Digital - Obras de Arte em NFT - edição 18 (dez/2022)

Revista Fotografe Melhor - NFT da fotografia (matéria de capa) - edição 314 (nov/2022)

Revista Fotografe Melhor - O Fantástico Mundo da Macrofotografia (matéria de capa) - edição 312 (set/2022)

Fabrik Heroes - Abstract Manifestation - Portfolio Spotlight (30/06/2022)

Foreverlands - Bruno Militelli — Inside the magic of macro photography (13/04/2022)

Manifest Gallery - INPHA 8 - International Photography Annual 8 (Book Publication)

Video Interview - Bruno Militelli: Macro Photography - PlantPop (30/04/2021)

Affinity Spotlight - The photographer’s guide to at-home macro photography (23/04/2021)

2020 Gruss aus dem Garten, Bilder & Geschichten - Photographie Magazine (issue 11/2020)

My Modern Met - Amazing Macro Winners of the International Garden Photographer of the Year 2020 (14/08/2020)

Garden Ilustrated - Winners of the International Garden Photographer of the year Macro Art (06/08/2020)

See.Me Community Feature (15/07/2020) - Electrônica : Bruno Militelli capture la beauté des composants électroniques (18/06/2020) (english version)

B&H Explora - Macro Photography Quote - Baker’s Dozen: 13 Remarkable Macro Photographers to Follow on Instagram (08/05/2020)

Capsules Book - Curatorial Volume.2, Leaders in Contemporary Art (Book Publication)

Photo Place Gallery - Abstract Exhibition (02/01/2020 - 25/01/2020)

Miss Numerique Blog - L’Autre Monde de Bruno Militelli (04/11/2019) (english version)

Dodho Featured (1) - Visual impact : Nexus by Bruno Militelli

Dodho Featured (2) - Aquabeads by Bruno Militelli

1X Published Photo Gallery